Dudhsagar Dairy
Mehsana District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union Ltd.

Mastitis Prevention Programme (MPP)

Objective: To minimize the economical loss of milk producers by controlling subclinical mastitis and rationalizing the use of antibiotic usage.
Identification of DCS according to the mastitis visit, milk production and cross breed population.

Identification of CMT positives

•Bulk milk CMT of pooled cow & buff milk at DCS
•Individual animal CMT testing at farmers’ homestead if bulk milk CMT positive
•Regular cycles of testing at DCS and individual animal level four round in the year.

Treatment of CMT positives

•Trisodium citrate regimen to CMT positive animals 10gm for ten day and if again positive repeat Trisodium citrate with formulation having Vitamin A & E, Zinc and Selenium
•Antibiotic course to TSC non-responsive animals
•Management of chronically infected animals

Repeat the same round minimum four times in a year.

2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
No of DCS 40 45 49 95 65 185 100
Total Round 6 5 3 4 4
Pooled sample Tested at DCS Level 62332 43987 41667 69984 47518 72614 61679
CMT positive milk producers 21187 14800 12837 23764 15614 19227 15030
Total animal tested at milk producers level 65935 51144 46014 92910 59235 99216 84494
CMT positive total animal 31694 26133 24844 46262 29788 41974 35057
CMT positive animal % 48% 51% 54% 50% 50% 42% 42%
Animal cured after the treatment of TSC 21299 17371 15702 32214 17467 31353 25904
Ethnoveternary Preparations (EVP)

With intensified dairy farming for maximum production of milk using exotic breeds, high disease incidence and use of antimicrobials and other chemical drugs are growing. The excessive and indiscriminate use of antibiotics and other chemical drugs in animal production has led to their residues in the milk and other animal products; it also led to formation of antibiotic resistant microorganisms, which are causing severe problems in human and animal health.
The traditional health care approaches have effective solutions for animals. Ethno-veterinary practices are implemented in our union since September’2019. We are preparing remedy at our union level and such remedy used in our routine veterinary special visits without using antibiotics in Pyrexia, Mastitis, Enteritis and FMD right now to rationalize the use of antibiotics. We also propagate many other ethno-veterinary practices in milk producer so they will use such practices in their animals.
Results of the field ethno-veterinary practices are as below.

1 PYREXIA 2612 2577 2235 87% 342 13%
2 MASTITIS 2580 2526 2054 81% 472 19%
3 ENTERITIS 1065 1049 895 84% 154 15%
TOTAL 6257 6152 5184 84% 968 16%
We also planning to make available ethno-veterinary remedy at DCS level so milk producer will get such remedy from his own DCS.

Dudhsagar Patrika

Dudhsagar Patrika is a magazine published by Dudhsagar Dairy which provides activity updates of Dudhsagar Dairy and learning on Dairy Farming, Cattle Feed, Animal Husbandry, Women Empowerment etc.


Dudhsagar Dairy,
Mehsana District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd.
Post Box No.1,
Gujarat 384 002,